Month: February 2018
First Birthday party at the school!
It was Rehema and Ojwang’s twin girl’s, Glory and Glady’s 6th birthday on Monday, February 19th.
One of my favorite friends, Chungu, our groundskeeper/watchman, was fed cake by Emmanuel’s nieces.
And he was sung to, even though it wasn’t his birthday!! He is such a good sport about everything.
Every day has accomplishments!
Today, a video was sent today by our teacher, Gasper. The children are learning new word and actions every day!
Muddy roads are navigated to bring the children to school. Another accomplishment!
The bus can get plenty dirty after a drive like this.
At the end of the day, the school bus is washed and looks pristine!
The school bus needed official identification, so decals were purchased and now we are official!
Foundation bricks starting to be placed, and will finished up tomorrow.
Steel work for the foundation footing.
Material arrived Saturday and digging started the next day, February 18th, 2018.
Starting to dig the foundation for the second school building.
Time for a new wheelbarrow wheel! It will see even more action this time.
Building number one is getting ceiling boards between rooms. This should quiet it down between rooms.
Construction for school building number 2 just started today, February 18, 2018!

On April 27, 2018, Emmanuel wrote this on his Facebook post about the school.
I give a lots of thanks to my God for everything, I have never thought that one day I could manager a big project like that, it’s a blessing from God, proud of you Husby family.
Children learning in many ways
Neema plays catch with the children, repeating words and actions.
More repetition to help them learn.
Gasper teaches counting.
Neema is energetic and engages the children so well.
Kick ball with Gasper.
Grace leads them in “Light of God” song. More repetition of words and actions.
Gasper reviews actions and words with washing his face, drinking tea.
Neema leads the children in prayer for parents, teachers, donors.