A much needed space for the teachers, completed in 6 weeks, January 16 – February 28, 2022. Enjoy!

A much needed space for the teachers, completed in 6 weeks, January 16 – February 28, 2022. Enjoy!
The computers are humming at Bethany Pre & Primary School as 4th and 5th graders begin learning computer skills in the new 22-desktop Peace computer lab. The teachers will now able to use computers as an added educational tool. We are so grateful to Kirk Alhberg for his generous donation and to the Roseville Lutheran Church Endowment Fund for its wonderful contribution. Also, thank you to Joseph Husby, assisted by Erik Husby, for setting up the lab and assisting with teacher training.
Our entire teaching staff attended and completed a Teacher’s Professional Development workshop. They thoroughly enjoyed this workshop and eagerly await the next workshop.
Kaylee Vickers created in our Larsen Family Library beautiful artwork. Kaylee became friends with our intern, Nou Newhouse, while in Tanzania, and Kaylee offered to brighten up our library walls! The kids love the artwork! Thank you, Kaylee!
If you have Facebook, please look up my Tanzania visit in March. Search Bethany Bittner Husby
Enjoy a limited selection of photos below.
In less than 2 months, our school year will come to a close. The children are growing and learning, and we thank God for his faithfulness.
Together we are making a difference and YOU are so important to these young lives!
Thank you so much!