Ojung’u is laid to rest on the school grounds.

Approximately 1500 to 2000 people attended. It is customary for the entire village to attend the funeral, even if they did not personally know the person.
Food of rice, beef and water was served.
Ojung’u’s two boys, Gerald and Johnson.
He is survived by his mother and 8 siblings.
His wife, Rehema, center. She is the sister of Emmanuel, who was practically raised by Ojung’u, living with Rehema and Ojung’u since 7th grade. Emmanuel learned so much from Ojung’u and will continue to keep his dream alive.
I asked them to purchase a traditional flower crown for the burial from me.
The message read:

“If the people we love are stolen from us, the way to have them live on is to never stop loving them.”

I will do this, and everyone who knew him will do this. He will live on, as he was very loved!

2020 Plant Sale was a HUGE success!

The below video summarizes the sale from start to finish.